How Nexium Treats Pyrosis (Heartburn)

Pyrosis sufferers may be looking for a solution that gets rid of their discomfort. Nexium, the brand name for the drug esomeprazole, has been approved for the treatment of persistent heartburn to help sufferers escape the limitations of this potentially damaging disease.

About Nexium

Nexium is a medication that works to reduce acid in the stomach to treat a variety of disorders that are connected to an overproduction of stomach acid. It is considered to be in the proton pump inhibitor group of medications. These medications are usually prescribed to treat acid reflux disease, heartburn and other uncomfortable conditions that could lead to damage over time.

An Overview of Pyrosis (Heartburn)

Heartburn, a medical condition that is also referred to as pyrosis, is typically mild and short-lived. People who experience an occasional burning sensation in the chest or throat may just wait out the discomfort and make dietary changes to avoid heartburn in the future. However, some people suffer from chronic heartburn that causes frequent discomfort and could potentially damage esophagus.

Complications of pyrosis include painful sores in the esophagus and changes in the lining of the esophagus. Frequent heartburn that damages the esophagus can increase a person's risk of developing esophageal cancer in the future. A narrowing of the esophagus that can occur when acid damages esophageal cells can make swallowing extremely painful.

Anyone who suffers from frequent heartburn should consult with a physician to discuss treatment options. While pyrosis seems like a mild condition that goes away with time, frequent occurrences of the condition have the potential to cause significant damage. Nexium is a treatment option that has been proven to reduce stomach acid to provide relief.

Taking Nexium For Pyrosis

Nexium has been found to be highly effective for people who are suffering from chronic heartburn. Over 80 percent of people who take Nexium to treat pyrosis and acid reflux experience a significant reduction in stomach acid to prevent reflux and heartburn. These patients also experience a healing of the damage done to the esophagus.

People who suffer from acid reflux or chronic pyrosis have stomachs that overproduce acid. Acid is an essential component in the digestive process, but an overproduction of this acid causes discomfort and damage. Pain and burning in the chest and esophagus are the most common complaints connected to the overproduction of stomach acid. Erosion of the esophagus results when chronic heartburn goes untreated.

Nexium works by sending a signal to the acid pumps in the stomach. This signal prompts some of the pumps to shut off in order to reduce the amount of acid that is produced. The prescription medication can provide relief in as little as 24 hours, but patients are typically required to continue taking Nexium on a daily basis for four to eight weeks.

The resulting reduction in stomach acid keeps acid from backing into the esophagus. This is how Nexium works to protect the esophagus and allow for healing of the damage done by stomach acid. While Nexium is usually used for a maximum of two months, keeping the condition under control for this period of time can help prevent a recurrence of heartburn. Some people need to take Nexium for a longer period of time to experience lasting results.

Cautions About Taking Nexium

Nexium has the potential to provide long-term relief for people who suffer from chronic pyrosis, but there are some cautions that should be considered before a person takes Nexium. There are certain prescription medications that interact with Nexium. People who are taking a benzimidazole medication should not take Nexium, and the medication could have negative effects for people who have liver disease.

It is important for patients to consult with their personal physician before trying Nexium for chronic pyrosis. A personal physician will be able to consult the patient's medical history to determine if the treatment is appropriate.

Nexium is a medication that works to inhibit acid production in the stomach. While Nexium may provide relief in as little as 24 hours, it is not intended to be used for the immediate relief of heartburn. The medication is a long-term solution to the overproduction of stomach acid that can lead to pain and esophageal damage.


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The content on this page is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice. Patients should not use the information presented on this page for diagnosing a health-related issue or disease. Before taking any medication or supplements, patients should always consult a physician or qualified healthcare professional for medical advice or information about whether a drug is safe, appropriate or effective.