Buy Symbicort Inhaler (Budesonide / Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate)

The Symbicort Inhaler, a critical pharmaceutical intervention for managing chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD, incorporates a combination of budesonide and formoterol. This formulation not only diminishes inflammation but also relaxes the muscles around the airways, facilitating easier breathing and significantly enhancing patient quality of life. However, the dual-action approach of Symbicort raises pertinent questions regarding its usage strategies, particularly in the context of SMART Therapy. As we consider the implications of integrating such treatments into regular health regimens, it becomes essential to scrutinize how they compare with alternative therapies in terms of efficacy, safety, and overall health outcomes.

Key Takeaways

  • Symbicort Inhaler combines budesonide and formoterol to manage chronic asthma and COPD.

  • It improves lung function by reducing inflammation and relaxing airway muscles.

  • Proper usage includes shaking, priming, and inhaling deeply for effective medication delivery.

  • Potential side effects include throat irritation and headaches; consult a doctor with severe reactions.

  • Missed doses should not be doubled; maintain a consistent dosing schedule for best results.

Vannair Aerosol Inhaler
100mcg/6mcg (80mcg/4.5mcg) Aerosol, Metered Dose

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Prescription required. Product of New Zealand. Shipped from New Zealand. Symbicort Inhaler is also marketed internationally under the name Vannair Aerosol Inhaler.

Vannair Aerosol Inhaler
200mcg/6mcg (160mcg/4.5mcg) Aerosol, Metered Dose

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Prescription required. Product of New Zealand. Shipped from New Zealand. Symbicort Inhaler is also marketed internationally under the name Vannair Aerosol Inhaler.

Generic equivalents for Symbicort Inhaler... What are generics?

Budesonide / Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate
100mcg/6mcg (80mcg/4.5mcg) Metered-Dose (Aerosol)

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Prescription required. Product of India. Shipped from Mauritius.

Budesonide / Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate
200mcg/6mcg (160mcg/4.5mcg) Metered-Dose (Aerosol)

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Prescription required. Product of India. Shipped from Mauritius.

To comply with Canadian International Pharmacy Association regulations you are permitted to order a 3-month supply or the closest package size available based on your personal prescription. read more

Understanding Symbicort Inhaler

The Symbicort Inhaler, combining budesonide and formoterol, serves as a pivotal treatment for both asthma and COPD by reducing inflammation and relaxing airway muscles. This dual-action therapy targets the chronic aspects of respiratory disorders, making it an essential component of long-term management strategies. Budesonide, a corticosteroid, plays a crucial role in diminishing the inflammatory responses within the airways that contribute to breathing difficulties and discomfort. Meanwhile, formoterol, a long-acting beta-agonist, complements this by easing the muscle tension around the airways, enhancing airflow and providing symptomatic relief.

For individuals living with asthma, the Symbicort inhaler assists in controlling persistent symptoms and preventing the exacerbation of the condition. In the context of COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema, the inhaler effectively manages the progressive symptoms, thereby improving the quality of life and reducing hospital visits. It's important to understand that while Symbicort is effective in managing symptoms and preventing flare-ups, it is not designed for the immediate relief of acute asthma attacks. Patients must follow prescribed usage to achieve optimal benefits and minimize potential risks associated with improper use.

Asthma Treatment Options

Exploring various asthma treatment options, SYMBICORT stands out as a daily controller medication that combines budesonide and formoterol fumarate to manage symptoms effectively. This medication is particularly crucial for patients requiring a consistent regimen to control persistent asthma. By reducing inflammation and keeping airways open, SYMBICORT helps improve breathing and overall lung function.

For asthma patients, the choice of treatment is critical to managing their condition effectively. SYMBICORT provides a dual approach by not only helping to reduce inflammation but also relaxing the muscles around the airways, which can prevent the severity and frequency of asthma attacks.

Below is a table comparing different aspects of asthma treatment with SYMBICORT:




Combination Therapy

Reduces inflammation and opens airways

Essential for daily control

Formoterol Component

Provides quick relief of symptoms

Enhances immediate response

Budesonide Component

Long-term reduction in airway inflammation

Prevents future exacerbations

Patients should always consult with their healthcare provider to tailor asthma treatment plans that best fit their individual needs, incorporating SYMBICORT as a central part of their asthma management strategy. Regular communication with healthcare professionals ensures optimal adjustment and effectiveness of treatment.

Managing COPD Symptoms

Symbicort's role in the maintenance treatment of COPD significantly enhances respiratory function by managing symptoms associated with chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Utilizing this inhaler as part of a COPD management strategy focuses on long-term symptom control and reducing the incidence of flare-ups, which are critical elements in maintaining quality of life for patients.

For those living with COPD, understanding how Symbicort aids in daily respiratory management is essential. Here are three key benefits of using Symbicort for COPD symptom management:

  1. Reduction of Flare-Ups: Regular use of Symbicort helps to decrease the frequency and severity of COPD flare-ups, ensuring fewer disruptions in daily activities and less need for emergency medical interventions.

  2. Enhanced Symptom Control: By effectively reducing airway inflammation and dilating the bronchial tubes, Symbicort allows for better airflow, which alleviates common COPD symptoms like shortness of breath and chronic cough.

  3. Stabilization of Lung Function: Maintenance treatment with Symbicort supports the stabilization of lung function over time, preventing the rapid decline that is often associated with COPD progression.

Incorporating Symbicort into a comprehensive COPD treatment plan can significantly impact the management of the disease, focusing on maintaining lung health and improving overall respiratory capabilities.

How Symbicort Improves Lung Function

Building on its role in managing COPD, Symbicort also enhances lung function, demonstrating rapid and sustained improvements in both asthma and COPD patients. The dual action of budesonide and formoterol in Symbicort offers significant lung function improvement. This is particularly evident in asthma patients, where the onset of action is within 15 minutes, providing quick relief. Similarly, a COPD study over 12 months confirmed the sustained effect of this medication, showing continuous improvement in lung function throughout the study period.

The benefits of Symbicort in improving FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in one second) — a critical measure of lung function — are substantial. This improvement helps in reducing the symptoms and enhancing the quality of life for patients suffering from these chronic conditions. Below is a table outlining the effectiveness of Symbicort in enhancing lung function:

Patient Type

Time Post-Dose

Improvement Observed

COPD Patients

5 minutes

Significant FEV improvement

Asthma Patients

15 minutes

Major FEV improvement

COPD Study (12-month)

Sustained Duration

Continuous lung function improvement

This data underscores the efficacy of Symbicort in treating airway obstructions and improving respiratory health in both asthma patients and those participating in a long-term COPD study.

Proper Use of Symbicort

To ensure the effectiveness of the Symbicort inhaler, it is essential to follow specific usage instructions carefully. Proper use not only maximizes respiratory benefits but also minimizes potential side effects. Adhering to prescribed guidelines ensures the medication reaches deep into the lungs, facilitating proper medication distribution.

Here are three critical practices for using the Symbicort inhaler:

  1. Shake and Prime the Inhaler: Before each use, shake the inhaler vigorously for 5 seconds. This helps to mix the medication properly, ensuring each dose delivered by the inhaler is consistent in strength and effectiveness.

  2. Monitor Usage with the Actuation Counter: Always keep an eye on the actuation counter. This feature is crucial as it indicates the number of doses left in the inhaler, helping to avoid the risk of suddenly running out of medication.

  3. Maintenance - Clean and Replace Components: Regular cleaning of the inhaler is essential to prevent medication buildup and contamination. Additionally, replace the mouthpiece cover to maintain hygiene. This routine maintenance helps in keeping the device in optimal working condition, ensuring each inhalation delivers the intended dose.

Step-by-Step Inhalation Guide

Having outlined the preparatory steps for using the Symbicort inhaler, let us now examine the detailed inhalation process. This sequence is crucial for ensuring the medication effectively assists in the treatment of asthma and COPD by reaching deep into the airways.





Shake Inhaler

Ensures even distribution of medication.


Exhale Fully

Clears the airways for optimal inhalation.


Inhale Medication

Delivers treatment deep into the lungs.


Hold Breath

Allows medication to settle in the airways.


Repeat if Needed

Ensures full dosage is administered.

Start by shaking the inhaler vigorously for 5 seconds to mix the medication properly. Next, breathe out completely to empty your lungs, making room for a deep, full breath. Place the inhaler's mouthpiece between your lips, and as you start to breathe in slowly and deeply through your mouth, press down on the inhaler to release the medication. Hold your breath for a few seconds after inhaling to allow the medication to permeate deep into your airways. If your treatment plan requires more than one puff, remember to shake the inhaler again before repeating the steps. This method ensures that the treatment is as effective as possible in managing your respiratory condition.

Potential Side Effects

While the Symbicort inhaler is effective in managing asthma and COPD, it can also cause several potential side effects ranging from mild to severe. Users should be aware of various adverse reactions and discuss any persistent or unusual symptoms with a healthcare provider to ensure safe usage.

Here are key side effects associated with the Symbicort inhaler:

  1. Common Side Effects: Users may experience throat irritation, fungal infections in the mouth, hoarseness, headaches, tremors, an increased heart rate, or nervousness shortly after use. These are typically mild but can be bothersome.

  2. Serious Side Effects: Although rare, some individuals might face severe issues such as significant allergic reactions, chest pain, or worsening breathing problems. Immediate medical attention is necessary if any of these serious side effects occur.

  3. Long-Term Use Risks: Prolonged usage of the Symbicort inhaler might increase the risk of developing osteoporosis, cataracts, and glaucoma. It is crucial for patients on long-term treatment to have regular check-ups to monitor for these conditions.

Understanding these potential side effects ensures that individuals using the Symbicort inhaler can do so safely and effectively, while being vigilant about their health.

Interaction With Other Drugs

Understanding how Symbicort interacts with other medications is crucial for maintaining its efficacy and preventing adverse effects. Symbicort, a combination inhaler used for managing asthma and COPD, can have significant drug interactions, particularly with beta-blockers, diuretics, and certain antidepressants. These interactions are important to monitor because they can influence the effectiveness of the medications involved and potentially heighten the risk of heart-related side effects, such as irregular heartbeats.

Beta-blockers, commonly prescribed for heart disease and hypertension, may diminish the effectiveness of Symbicort by inhibiting its ability to relax airway muscles. Additionally, diuretics, used to treat fluid retention and high blood pressure, can exacerbate electrolyte imbalances, specifically potassium levels, when used with Symbicort. This is particularly concerning as abnormal potassium levels can affect heart rhythm.

Antidepressants, especially certain types that affect serotonin and norepinephrine levels, may also interact with Symbicort, potentially leading to enhanced cardiovascular side effects. It is imperative to inform your healthcare provider about all medications you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements, to manage these interactions effectively. Always consult your healthcare provider before adjusting your medication regimen to safely use Symbicort with other medications.

Dosage Information

The dosage of Symbicort is tailored to individual needs, depending on factors such as age, the severity of the condition, and the specific treatment protocol like SMART Therapy. This adaptability ensures that the medication can effectively manage symptoms of asthma and COPD by combining the anti-inflammatory effects of budesonide with the long-acting bronchodilator action of formoterol.

Here are key points concerning the dosage of Symbicort:

  1. Age Considerations: Children and adults may have different dosing requirements. It is crucial to follow a healthcare provider's prescription to ensure safety and efficacy.

  2. Maintenance Dosing: Regular maintenance doses are essential for managing chronic symptoms and preventing flare-ups. This consistent use of Symbicort helps maintain respiratory health over time.

  3. SMART Therapy Application: For patients using Symbicort under SMART Therapy, the inhaler serves both as a maintenance and a relief treatment. This dual role can simplify the management of moderate to severe asthma, optimizing the dose of formoterol needed to control symptoms effectively.

Adhering to these dosage guidelines ensures that Symbicort works as intended, providing significant relief from asthma and COPD symptoms while minimizing potential side effects.

Handling Missed and Excessive Doses

Occasionally missing a dose of Symbicort is not uncommon, but it is crucial to continue with the next dose at the scheduled time without doubling up. It is essential to adhere to this guidance to avoid the potential complications of excessive use. Missing doses can disrupt the effectiveness of the treatment in managing asthma or COPD symptoms, therefore maintaining a consistent dosing schedule is important for optimal health outcomes.

For individuals who miss a dose, the best course of action is to take the inhaler at the next scheduled time. Doubling the dose is not recommended as it can lead to overdose symptoms, which are serious and require prompt medical attention. Information on handling missed doses should be clearly understood to prevent any misuse of the medication.

In cases where there is uncertainty about missed doses or the repercussions of excessive use, consulting a healthcare provider is advisable. They can provide professional advice tailored to individual needs and circumstances. This ensures that the patient continues to receive the full benefits of Symbicort in a safe and effective manner.

Precautions and Warnings

After discussing how to handle missed and excessive doses, it is also important to consider specific precautions and warnings associated with the use of the Symbicort inhaler. As a crucial medication for asthma and COPD management, the inhaler comes with certain risks that must be addressed to ensure patient safety and efficacy of the treatment.

  1. Not a Replacement for Rescue Inhalers: Symbicort is designed for regular use to manage and prevent symptoms but should not replace a rescue inhaler. It is not effective to relieve sudden asthma attacks, and relying solely on Symbicort in such instances can lead to serious health risks.

  2. Consultation with a Doctor: It is vital for asthma patients 12 years and older to consult with a doctor before starting Symbicort. Side effects related to its use, such as potential worsening of symptoms or allergic reactions, need to be discussed and understood.

  3. Monitoring and Management: Continuous monitoring of the condition is essential. If there are signs of increased breathing difficulties or if the medication appears ineffective, medical help should be sought immediately to reassess the treatment plan.

Living With Asthma and COPD

Managing asthma and COPD effectively involves using the SYMBICORT inhaler to enhance lung function and control persistent symptoms. This essential medication combines budesonide and formoterol, which together tackle the inflammatory and muscular components of respiratory disorders. Budesonide, a corticosteroid, reduces inflammation within the airways, decreasing the frequency and severity of flare-ups. Formoterol, a long-acting beta-agonist, aids in relaxing the muscles around the airways, making breathing easier and preventing symptoms before they start.

For individuals living with asthma or COPD, SYMBICORT is not just a treatment but a part of a comprehensive management plan. It is classified as a long-term control medication, emphasizing its role in daily health maintenance rather than immediate relief of acute symptoms. Consistent use as prescribed is crucial to its effectiveness, requiring patients to adhere strictly to their dosing schedules and to master the inhaler technique to ensure optimal delivery of the medication.

Moreover, regular consultations with healthcare providers are vital. These discussions should focus on assessing the control of asthma or COPD symptoms, adjusting doses as necessary, and addressing any concerns about side effects or interactions with other medications. Through such vigilant management, patients can achieve better control of their condition, enhance their quality of life, and minimize complications associated with asthma and COPD.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Symbicort a Steroid Inhaler?

Yes, Symbicort includes a corticosteroid component, budesonide, which helps reduce inflammation in the airways, making it partially a steroid inhaler. It is combined with formoterol, a long-acting beta agonist, for comprehensive treatment.

Is Symbicort the Same as Albuterol?

Symbicort and Albuterol are not the same. Symbicort combines a corticosteroid and a long-acting beta agonist for regular treatment, whereas Albuterol is a short-acting beta agonist used for immediate symptom relief.

What Is a Common Side Effect of Symbicort?

A common side effect of the medication discussed includes throat irritation, which can manifest as discomfort or a scratchy sensation, potentially impacting daily comfort and necessitating consultation with a healthcare provider for management.

How Many Puffs of Symbicort Can You Take in a Day?

For asthma management, the typical maximum dosage is 2 puffs twice daily, not exceeding 4 puffs within 24 hours. Adherence to prescribed dosages is essential for safety and efficacy. Consult your healthcare provider for specifics.

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The content on this page is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice. Patients should not use the information presented on this page for diagnosing a health-related issue or disease. Before taking any medication or supplements, patients should always consult a physician or qualified healthcare professional for medical advice or information about whether a drug is safe, appropriate or effective.